Science Behind Healy

A Wealth of Experience

Prof. Robert O. Becker

Prof. Robert O. Becker was an expert researcher in the field of electrotherapy, author of the “bible” of modern electromedical technology, “The Body Electric,” written in 1985.

His main field of research was the regeneration of organs and organ systems through the use of the body’s own bio-electromagnetic phenomena.

Prof. Björn Nordenström

Prof. Björn Nordenström, M. D. (1919–2006) was a professor in diagnostic radiology at Karolinska Institute and head of thorax radiology at Stockholm’s Karolinska Clinic. He was a member and temporary spokesperson for the Nobel Committee.

In his book “Biologically Closed Electric Circuits” Professor Nordenstrom described a bioelectric circuit in the body, similar to blood or lymph circulation.

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